10 October 2012

Until Departure. Answering Questions.

My last day in Japan in June, I went to a temple (forgot the name) with my host family.
no one's very happy i was leaving lol
OK, so I've decided to be more clear with what's been going on. Although, it super sucks.
Basically, some things went down that I don't really want to get into on the internet, only my personal friends know what's been going on, because it's super huge and super sucks. But being Japan, JFIE was really big on the whole "you need to be with your family at this time" and made me go home until August. And, they made me take the more expensive flight... (I had to buy this one to ensure I could come back)
Basically, I hadn't heard anything from JFIE or ASSE until I emailed them in August.
To me, going back seemed.. well. I didn't have any money from the $2000 plane ticket back, and then they were basically waiting until last minute again, so it would have been ANOTHER $2000 plane ticket rather than like $1300. (Or letting me have bought a roundtrip ticket before...)
I could have probably scraped by with.. not buying much of anything while there (seriously I had $1700 left) and borrowing money from my parents, but they were making me switch schools and I hadn't heard anything. So I just emailed and said I didn't want to go back this time (because I also have university coming up..).
But, that's definitely not the end of Japan to me.
I have a plane ticket to go back in February( Feb 5th) and have a blasty-blast in Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Tokyo... Everywhere.
I do want to apologize for the taking so long to make it clear... The situation has made me very upset that I've been crying almost everyday up until recently, I really didn't want to think about it until I kind of got okay with it recently.

Up until February, I'll be posting about things I didn't post before and when that runs out... I'll answer any questions anyone has about being an exchange student/JFIE/ASSE ect.

And to the question about how much it is to go with ASSE - It cost me $8450 CAD. They have prices listed on their website every year.


  1. What?! .. So you've gone home because ASSE, or rather JFIE, asked you to? klasgjlksagsalks I'm so frustrated for you, wth??
    I've been planning to go to Japan with ASSE as well, but if this were to happen I'd definitely go for plan B.. Is this a particular case or have there been more people sent home during summer?
    I'm sorry that you had to go through with this, there are other opportunities though, so don't lose hope! ... Your answers will be greatly appreciated and will play a big role in my decision making,so please reply.

    1. Hi this is Ashley I'm just on my iPhone right now.
      I would say its a particular case because my everyone has such an unfortunate event that JFIE feels that you need to be with your family for it.
      The thing that made it worse was JFIE wanted me home ASAP- so, leave Tuesday with a $1900 rather than Wednesday with a $1650 ticket(the lady wouldn't listen to me at all)
      Then when late July hit and still nothing from ASSE I said fuck it because I didn't have the money for a last minute plane ticket, you know?
      I asked if I could go back later but the next would be in January (although some students start in oct so I don't understand why I couldnt) and I would be too old.

  2. JFIE sucks... We, the August group, realized that soon, too. I'm sorry they were like that in your case. Did they place you far away from your old school/hf? JFIE is getting really annoying lately. Maybe you should be glad you're not here right now. Cause they're getting super nosey and they try their hardest to find problems. Fortunately, no one from our group got sent home yet. But there are 2-3 who are thinking of shortening their programm from 10 to 5 months since JFIE is being a bitch and not listening to our problems at all. They try to get their "problems" through, but ours don't matter... Sorry to have written all this, but I feel your anger... :/

    1. Yeah, a few people were sent home before I was. One wanted to go home, not sure about the others..
